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Australia’s daine collabs with BMTH’s Oli Sykes on new single ‘Salt’

At first glance, Melbourne artist daine and Oli Sykes – the frontman of British globetrotting titans Bring Me The Horizon – might be worlds apart. But as we’ve found out today, the pair are creative kindred spirits, and for the benefit of us all, any perceived vast distances clearly weren’t enough to keep them apart. Today, daine has shared her brand new single ‘Salt’, featuring Sykes in what is nothing short of the greatest collision of worlds this timeline has to offer.

‘Salt’ is a hazy, delicate drizzle of brooding hyperpop – but each drop is icy cold, sending an unnerving chill through the entire system. With somewhat reckless abandon, the two unleash a tale of lost love with stunning clean vocals punctuated by purging screams. Ultimately, the track has fangs – subtle fangs but fangs nonetheless – indicating one of the key points of difference between the old and new waves of emo: this one bites back.

Fair warning, though – like the title suggests, if you’re sitting there with any open emotional wounds, getting ‘Salt’ in them is going to sting a little.

For those following the creative trajectory of Sykes and Bring Me The Horizon, the addition of Sykes to ‘Salt’ makes perfect sense. While not anything we’ve never seen him do before, ‘Salt’ is certainly a new playground for him to let the creative horses run wild, and boy does it seem like he had fun doing so.

daine is very much in the “blink and you’ll miss it” stage of her ascension. Having captured the hearts and minds of fans with previous singles ‘boys wanna txt’ and ‘dainecore’, the sonic shapeshifter soon began to prick up the ears of industry monoliths en masse. Indeed, we suggest this may be the last time daine is referred to within the context of her homeland, given the rapid rate at which she seems to be becoming the world’s daine, not just ours.