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The new Lights EP is synthwave for the soul

With recent events setting alight outdated and regressive ‘norms’ from capitalism to racism, it’s clearly time for humankind to course correct. But it won’t happen overnight. As such, it’s imperative for the thinkers and feelers of the world, hellbent on a vision of a more equitable future for all, to avoid burn out by remaining replenished and rested.

A brand new instrumental EP from Canadian artist Lights goes a long way to helping achieve that.

With her nose to the coal face of the current social unrest, Lights began writing, recording and mixing the EP “over the last few weeks of sleeplessness and learning”, compiling 7 tracks of soothing synthwave to populate it, all sales of which will be donated directly to Black Lives Matter Vancouver.

“Over the last couple weeks of sleeplessness and learning and darkness and processing I made a nighttime instrumental synthwave record”, Lights tweeted. “It’s up at and all of the proceeds will go to Black Lives Matter Vancouver.”

Though it creeps and crawls throughout dark soundscapes, How To Sleep When You’re On Fire is disarming, leaving just the right amount of space between each phrase for even the most jaw-clenched, tight-shouldered, head-holding listener to fall into even just for the time span of three well-earned, slow, deep breaths.

A number of snippets from the release are available on YouTube, however to bask in the EP’s full night time blissed out shimmer, head over to BandCamp where you’ll also be able to make the purchase, and subsequent donation, to an important cause.

Of course, you can donate straight to the source, as well as many other important causes including Black Lives Matter, ANTaR, North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency, Aboriginal Legal Service, Sisters Inside or, hell, all of the above.


To The Victims | To The Protesters | To Black Owned Businesses | Organizations Other Important Places


Fundraiser for the family of David Dungay Jr. | Fundraiser for the family of Kumanjayi Walker | Fundraiser for the family of Joyce Clarke | Fundraiser for the family of Tanya Day | Pay The Rent | The National Justice Project Sisters Inside | Free Her


Pride Foundation Australia Minus18 Wear It Purple | ACON | Black Rainbow