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Ocean Grove share little ray of sonic sunshine with ‘DREAM’


It’s easy to forget what ~The Beforetimes~ looked like, felt like, sounded like. A time before the C word or the P word or even the L word. Going forward, many of the stories of ~The Beforetimes~ may very well be the dominion of wandering bards, meandering through town to town with tales of maskless crowds, record shopping without risk assessment, human contact and sneezing with reckless abandon. We’re closer to that point than it seems today with Ocean Grove, wandering bards they be, sharing a brand new track ‘DREAM’, a ditty steeped in the unashamed bliss of ~The Beforetimes~.

‘DREAM’ was concieved well before any talk of a pandemic, and as such is a total form of escapism form it – no subtle metaphors, no loose refences to being trapped in a room, indeed, it’s a COVID-19 free zone and that in and of itself makes it worth your time.

Though it’s not detached from the reality of the pandemic, and it’s carefree, chin-up energy is in that sense straight-up prophetic. ‘DREAM’ is a hazy but lucid cut from the bands erstwhile SUNNY sessions; Not woozy, like you’re trying to run from zombies but your legs are jelly; soaring, as though you’re miles above all that mess in general. “Oasis Grove” someone declared in the comment section and, honestly, there’s something to that.

“Ultimately it hopes to inspire listeners to stop paying attention to the naysayers and the constant reminders that we’re not good enough and instead to chase those crazy life goals to no end,” frontman Dale Tanner says of DREAM. “This song is OG running to the rooftops and shouting loud and clear that time is our greatest commodity and we shouldn’t waste a bloody second of it.”

Bassist Twiggy Hunter interjects, “Dream was written to empower the listener and instil a sense of don’t-give-a-fuck-ery with a bold, glistening undertone of optimism and hope. We hope listeners can use this song as a form of lifeblood to not give up hope through the times ahead and go on to prosper and thrive in their own individualism.”

To add extra oomph to the release, O.G. have also shared a remix of the albums title track, stripping back some of the smoke and mirrors in exchange for a bit of timber and steel. You can check out both below.