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colourblind ponder the ebb and flow of life with ‘Changing Seasons’

Some might say that the music video is a lost art form these days. Considering some of the half-assed, unimaginative submissions that pop up in our feeds, it would be pretty easy to mount a strong argument in favour of that. But once in a blue moon, a video offering will fall into our lap that does honour the philosophy of the music video, that being an extension of the ideas put forth in the music; visual feedback from an audible stimulant allowing both song and video to waltz in effortless harmony.

It’s time to consult our charts and define our intentions as the blue moon is now upon us, or so it would seem with Adelaide’s colourblind sending forth a new single/video combo for ‘Changing Seasons’. The result is sure to appease the gods of both sound and vision.

The song itself sees colourblind frontman Finn Cameron pondering the whims of time, how we humans are naught but leaves caught in its seemingly mindless draft, and how to best deal with it. That is, it’s better to let it go and roll with the seasons rather than draw up your plans against them. Better, but certainly not easier.

When synced with the visuals, ‘Changing Seasons’ takes on the haze of a foggy emo fever dream. Unearthed is a tension otherwise buried within the mix; a tactile sense of time changing culminating in Cameron shaving his head all for the sake of the shot. It would appear this visceral reaction in the viewer comes from an authentic albeit gruelling shoot.

“The atmosphere of the night was constantly shifting somewhere between delirious and significant,” says frontman Finn Cameron of the demanding shoot.

“It hit midnight and we’d only made it halfway through the shotlist and our brains started turning to mush. It’s funny how it happens sometimes, when you push yourself to stay up to finish a project, when everyone’s mind is so set on a collective task that time kind of disappears…Shaving my head as the sun came up after being awake for nearly 24 hours was when it all got real.”

Though relatively the new kids on the block, colourblind are picking up speed at an accelerating pace. Their 2018 EP Move Like You has already been streamed by the population of a small country, scoring them some coveted support slots with Grinspoon, These New South Wales and Clowns.

As we see time and again, it’s the ones who take extra time with their craft that make the most impact. As such, we suggest standing back a few feet.

colourblind ‘Changing Season’ Release Shows

Saturday, 6th February
Mountain Goat Valley Crawl, Brisbane

Saturday, 20th February
Lion Arts Factory, Adelaide
Tickets: Moshtix

Press Image: Mariah Anzil