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Everything may be tenuous, but Luca Brasi are here for now


While the majority of us were using our newly acquired free time to gain kilos and lose brain cells, Luca Brasi spent 2020 writing and recording a brand new album. If that wasn’t productive enough to put us all to shame, they also taught themselves how to self record at the coveted university of YouTube tutorials.

Having just returned from the UK and about to gear up for a massive tour across Australia just when the pandemic started getting spicy, the Tassie lads were left with time on their hands and a bunch of songs swimming around their heads, which is exactly how their new record Everything Is Tenuous was born.

Speaking on the themes of the album, Luca Brasi’s Tyler Richardson asserts that he considered each step of the way whether or not his concerns were truly what he needed to worry about. In that process, he re-evaluated what was important to him, accepting changes he would potentially have to make and those that were inevitably to come.

“That was a battle I kept having in my head, what’s important to me and what’s important to hold onto? I guess a lot of it comes back to like, I’m in my thirties watching things develop and my life change and grow and figuring out what actually is important to who I am and who I want to be; and also watching things change in the world.”

He continues: “Nothing seems to really hang around that long. Being worried about unimportant things doesn’t seem to ever get me anywhere. That’s where the name Everything Is Tenuous came along. That can also sum up what happened this year too, and how insane it’s been for everyone.”

“Every single time I’m like, ‘Are we going to do this again?’ And then we do…”

Last year forced the majority of musicians to experiment with self-recording if they wanted to release any new music, which was met with mixed reviews and had a lot of bands fanging it to get back into the studio. Luca Brasi, however, found that they absolutely thrived doing it DIY.

“Instead of an advance from the label we got them to buy us a bunch of recording gear and set up a couple of little bedroom studios. It’s such a rewarding experience coming away and not feeling stressed; getting home at 6pm instead of like 4am and we could work on it separately as well,” explains Richardson.

As for their new album, Richardson acknowledges the band made the most of their time. “We just kept refining the songs, re-recording and making the most of the luxury we had with this album; figuring out what does work instead of just putting out songs and thinking they’re shit two weeks later.”

With the next single off the record pointed out by Richardson as his favourite track on the release, fans are set to catch a glimpse into the sunnier side of his life.

“I’m really excited to put out the first track on the record, ‘Never The Right Time’. That song’s about how to work out how to tell someone you appreciate them and everything they do for you. It’s always been left too late in my life and I’m really pumped to have the people I wrote that song for hear it,” he says.

That sentiment for the song’s release adds even more energy to Luca Brasi’s current state of already being highly strung in anticipation. Richardson describes the feeling himself as “that mix of anxiety and stoked-ness, to put all this work in and to finally get people to hear it. Good or bad, it’s all worth it. I’ve been wanting to put these songs out for a long time. I’m happy.”

Savouring the sense of fulfilment that only comes from completing a task like releasing a record will be a short and sweet affair for the band, who have already started writing songs again.

“Every single time I’m like, ‘Are we going to do this again?’ And then we do, and now it’s somehow been ten years.”

Everything Is Tenuous drops February 12 via Cooking Vinyl Australia.